Today was the end of my 2 week on call stint. So I didn't spend much time working out as I should have because I was working. But enough excuses. Today I got back in the gym and I walked/jogged 2 miles, did 100 situps/crossups, and 30 pushups. Not bad nerd boy
Wednesday, February 22, 2012
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
The prodigal blogger returns
So i kinda forgot to update the blog for the past few days. No worries though, you have missed nothing. I hit the gym for the first time in a few days and im keeping my workout to 2+ miles on the ellipitcal and 100 situps holding an 8pound weight. Not bad nerd boy.....not bad....
Friday, February 10, 2012
B ack to the grind
Did 2 miles in 20minutes on the elliptical and 100 situps. 50 with a 8pound weight and 50 without. Woot!
Wednesday, February 8, 2012
New phone day!!!
I didnt hit the gym today but i did get a new phone, a droid 3 muuuuhahaha its so much fun
Tuesday, February 7, 2012
Return of the gym
So today we got back to our work out routine. I did two miles on the treadmill and the 100 situps. Breakfast was the usual v8 fusion and slimfast. Lunch was a chicken wrap with lots of veggies and dinner was a veggie burger with a side of guacamole and poppers. I hope tomorrow the workout goes as smoothly and I can push myself back to 4 miles.
Monday, February 6, 2012
Day 8 long day
Long day at work today then Dr appointment then logged back into work. Was 8 pm before I know it and now I just want too go to bed. Tomorrow will be a gym day! Or else
Sunday, February 5, 2012
Day 7 cheat day
I'll start you off with a truth: I can't even pretend I followed my diet today.
It's super bowl Sunday and today I did not hit the gym. Instead I spent all day writing my first Android application and added it to the market. So I snagged Wendy's for lunch and then went to a super bowl party where I ate my weight in sweets and meats. I was a terrible terrible dieter haha
Tomorrow is another day. I start a 2 week on call schedule, I have a doctor appointment, and then I need to hit the gym and submit my Android application to blackberry to try and win a playbook.
Tomorrow starts week 2
Saturday, February 4, 2012
Day 6 rest and nerd out
Today has been a rest day. I wrote my first Android application. And I am still working on submitting it. Had chic fillet for lunch and an Arizona ice tea.
Back to work
Friday, February 3, 2012
Day 5
Not much to report today. Long day at work followed by an hour at the gym. Usual breakfast and lunch. Had left overs for dinner. Boring update but an update never the less.
Thursday, February 2, 2012
Day 4 update
Lunch today was a salad again
Then I had a very stressful day at work. Did a 11 hour day today. Came home late and cracked a beer. Yeah I know it's not in my diet but I kept my dinner to half a calzone and 2 scoops of ice cream. I'll make up for it tomorrow at the gym.

day 4 - rest day
yesterday was a challenge at lunch because my coworkers found out i was on a diet and decided to buy cake and ice cream and whatever else they could and eat it in front of me saying how good it was and all of that crap....then i had to pass up ice cream day with some other coworkers that ive been doing almost every Wednesday for a a year..that was hard.
another update, my wife was published in a magazine for her quilts! check out her blog to read the article.
breakfast today was the usual V8 fusion, slimfast shake, and green tea. So far so good with holding my resolve to eat healthier low fat foods to help me lose weight.
lets hope my resolve holds out tonight.
Wednesday, February 1, 2012
Day 3 update 2
That's 4 miles today! All in 60 minutes. Woot woot!
Now it's dinner time. My wife is making some kind of stir fry.

I'm currently snacking on pretzels and red pepper hummus.
I had a salad for lunch and I'm ready for more
For the record I didn't eat that whole bowl for dinner. I ate about a quarter of it then had a scoop of ice cream
Day 3 workout update
35 min on the elliptical = 2.5 miles + ~400 calories. Not bad. Just got to keep pushing. I'm updating from the gym sooooo I'll stop talking now and get back to work. I think next is the treadmill or bike for another 30 minutes, the abs and pushups
day 3 - return to the routine
im having my morning breakfast of v8 fusion, slimfast shake, and green tea while i check out all my favorite tech blogs like engadget, androidcentral, crackberry, and reddit (not a tech blog but much needed reading).
my plan for the day is to survive another work day then head to a doctors appointment and then hit the gym around 6-630 tonight for an hour or so on the elliptical. wish me luck
off to work
day2 update
Something is better than nothing right?
for dinner i had a piece of mexican casserole and chili with a piece of corn bread, that may sounds like a lot because it was more than my usual portion but it all fit into one bowl so it wasnt that much.
i was able to catch the bruins game and did 3 sets of 20 situps during intermissions.
all in all not a bad night.
Tuesday, January 31, 2012
Day 2 - keeping it going
on the other hand, i know that this also means that i didnt work hard enough last night. So my plans for today are.
- work
- breakfast
- work
- lunch
- work
- dinner
- situps and pushup, etc at home today unless i can convince the wife to do the gym 2 days in a row
- sleep
Day 1 update - before pictures, weight, etc
255 pounds

Monday, January 30, 2012
day 1 updates
2 miles of walking and running = 40 minutes on the treadmill
50 situps in sets of 20 and 1 set of 10

cajun kale and sausage soup (260 calories) plus 1 cup of brown rice and 1/2 of an avocado.
weight in
take "before" picture of myself
Day1 - training begins
<enter picture of me from 1/30/11 here>
Who what when where why
GOAL: The goal of this blog is to catalog my training for a half marathon and the weight loss I achieve through diet change and exercising.
Don't think that sounds interesting? it's not, people do that everyday. But this is my journey and this blog is really more for me anyways.
About me: I currently work as a computer security programmer and incident response guy. I spend 8-16 hours a day behind a computer working with little to no breaks. i'm 25, 5'6" and 255 pounds right now(1/30/12) (Picture proof from 9/6/11) and I have to run the half marathon in California, in August, on asphalt (8 months from now). Ya that kind of explosion capability is only found in Michael Bay movies.
let me fill you in on some background and my overall plan:
background: last weekend (1/21/12) my wife (wife's blog) decides that for her 25th birthday she wants to do something she has never done before, a half marathon. now to my knowledge my wife has never run a mile in her life and i havent run in years (6 or so) so this could be the death of me. I told her if its something she really wants to do for her 25th then i will train with her and run it with her and best case scenario we finish the marathon and still have energy left over to ride a few roller coasters, worst case scenario my bday gift to her will be making her a widow as my body will be found somewhere on the pavement in Disney land by the clean up crew haha
My goals:
- lose 50+ pounds
- run the 13 miles before the half marathon to prove i can do it
- make a life style change to an over all healthier life